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Flash sale! Get USDT at a 10% discount everyday on Bitget P2P!
2023-08-28 02:0027471988056
Buy USDT at 10% cheaper price than anywhere else, exclusive offer for first time
Bitget P2P INR / NGN / RUB / VND / IDR / EUR / PHP / MYR / TRY / THB / UAH / UZS / BYN / PLN market users. Hurry up! You can use
USDT to buy any crypto of your choice!
Flash sale time: Everyday 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM local time!
Offer: Buy USDT
at 10% Discounted price!
During the "Flash Sale" period,
Bitget P2P will sell USDT at a 10% cheaper price.
You can purchase USDT by directly clicking on the cheapest advertisement of any one of our flashsale partner merchants who will be selling USDT at a 10% cheaper price on the P2P page.
This offer is exclusive to first time INR / NGN / RUB / VND / IDR / EUR / PHP / MYR / TRY / THB / UAH / UZS / BYN / PLN market P2P users and each market has corresponding purchase limits.
This "Flash Sale" will start at 11:00 AM your local time and will last until a total volume of 10,000 USDT is sold out. So, you better hurry up!
In order to learn how to place an order in Bitget P2P: click here
Shown in the picture is an example of flash sale merchant advertisement:
You can also reach out to us on Telegram at
@bitgetp2ppay or
for any queries regarding merchant applications or email us at
[email protected].
How to Buy Crypto on P2P: click here
Where to find the P2P market:
Log into Bitget - Choose “Add funds” - Choose “P2P” – Choose your market - Place an order to buy USDT.
New P2P users refers to users that have never traded on Bitget P2P .
Participants in other promotions regarding new P2P users can not claim rewards for this event.
Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users that perform wash trading, the bulk registration of accounts, and trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.
Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions. Please contact us if you have any questions.
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