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Use P2P to buy and sell USDT

Trade safely and easily with zero fees on Bitget P2P. Trade USDT via various payment methods such as bank transfers and e-wallets now.

Merchant ads
Merchants (Trades | Completion rate) Price Amount/Limit Low to high Payment methods Action
Forex club 30-day completed orders 959 | Completion rate 99.00%
126.98 BDT
Amount Limit 38.8 USDT 500–3,000 BDT
bKash Nagad King 30-day completed orders 622 | Completion rate 98.00%
126.98 BDT
Amount Limit 164.71 USDT 500–10,000 BDT
Trusted_p2p_Exchange 30-day completed orders 614 | Completion rate 100.00%
126.98 BDT
Amount Limit 52.74 USDT 1,270–6,500 BDT
Trusted_Exchange_BD 30-day completed orders 41 | Completion rate 79.00%
126.99 BDT
Amount Limit 172.25 USDT 500–10,000 BDT
Honest ridoy 30-day completed orders 872 | Completion rate 100.00%
126.99 BDT
Amount Limit 338.69 USDT 500–30,000 BDT
Razibul Aslam 30-day completed orders 773 | Completion rate 100.00%
127 BDT
Amount Limit 109.17 USDT 500–13,864.59 BDT
Easy Crypto Buy&Sell 30-day completed orders 341 | Completion rate 100.00%
127 BDT
Amount Limit 12.8 USDT 500–1,500 BDT
Cripto Exchange 30-day completed orders 1127 | Completion rate 99.00%
127 BDT
Amount Limit 37.49 USDT 4,761–4,761.23 BDT
abdullah cripto 30-day completed orders 1839 | Completion rate 100.00%
127.3 BDT
Amount Limit 165.61 USDT 2,000–20,000 BDT
STAR SHANTO YT 30-day completed orders 2767 | Completion rate 100.00%
127.3 BDT
Amount Limit 188.47 USDT 500–25,000 BDT

How to trade on Bitget P2P portal?


Place an order

Choose from all available offers in the market and place an order for the coins you want. After placing the order, the coins will be held by Bitget P2P.


Pay the seller

Pay the seller via the suggested payment method. Complete the fiat transfer and click on Paid on the Bitget P2P portal.


Get your coins

Once the seller confirms the receipt of payment, the crypto held by Bitget will be released to you.

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How to sell USDT on Bitget P2P portal (web)

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